

You must bring the appropriate paperwork to the Office of the Registrar to process the following:

You can obtain the forms for the linked items online by following their links.


In order to log in, you must enter your User ID (nine characters beginning with "900". Your ID is included in your admission paperwork and is printed on your ID card.

您还必须输入一个8个字符的PIN.  您的随机生成的密码可以获得 通过电子邮件发送给注册办公室registrar@voipgamy.com.  请附上扫描件 附有照片的身份证附件.  当您登录时,系统会提示您更改密码 第一次.

After 10 minutes of no activity, you will automatically be logged off of the secure area.

If you forget your PIN the 注册处 can reset it for you.  Please bring your Tech photo ID card to the office or send a scanned copy of your photo ID to registrar@voipgamy.com . 您的密码不会通过电话发出.


Registration Menu


This screen will display items that may affect your registration, including your holds and your time ticket (which day you may begin pre-registering, which is based on your 学生分类.)  Any item which prevents registration must be resolved before 你可以提前注册.

This screen also displays your total credit hours, your level (undergraduate or graduate), 你正在攻读的学位和你的专业.

您的注册状态可能因学期而异. 一定要检查你两个夏天的状态 还有秋季学期,在你提前注册之前.

Add/Drop Classes

输入备用密码. 没有候补队员,你不能越过这个点 你必须从你的导师那里得到密码.

To add a class, enter the class's corresponding CRN# in the Add Class box.  (CRN numbers 在印刷和在线时间表中都有列出吗.)

The Class Search button on the 屏幕底部 will allow you to search by subject, course number, title (any word in the title), 教练和时间. Simply check the 在CRN前的盒子里注册. (方框中的C表示该类达到最大值 容量和关闭.)

When you have finished entering the CRN#'s, click the Submit Changes button on the 屏幕底部. Classes for which you have successfully registered will appear in the box titled "Current Schedule" and the total number of credit hours you are 将显示“已注册的”.  如果有错误,请参见“注册错误” 解释部分.

To drop a class

Choose "Web Drop" in the Action field of the Current Schedule box.


This link allows you to search by subject, course number, title (any word in the title), 教练和时间. 只需勾选CRN前面的方框即可注册. (C in 该框表示类已关闭.)


Variable credit classes, such as directed study, directed research, thesis, independent study, and dissertation require an additional step to successfully register. When you add a variable credit class, you will automatically be registered for the minimum 学时数(通常为1).

To correct the number of credit hours, click on 更改类选项. Each class you 注册后是否会显示. 可变信用类将有一个方框,其中 您输入正确的学时数.


Click on this link to ensure that your registration is processed correctly.

Other links on the Registration page allow you to view your schedule and fees.



You can view and print a copy of your grades for a selected term.

Account Summary

You can access your account summary both by term and overall. 这个摘要没有 include anticipated third-party contract payments, financial aid, and memos.


This link will let you change your PIN and view some general information about yourself, 例如您的本地地址和紧急联系人. 如果您的地址信息不正确, please stop by the Campus Post Office and change the information. 联邦调查局 注册商更新紧急联系信息.



Not all registration options are available for use on BanWeb.

See above for information on how to use the Registration Menu of BanWeb.

You can make changes to your registration until the close of registration. Your advisor 如果您的注册有任何变化,我们会通知您吗.  此外,研究生院院长 Office will be notified of any changes in the registration of graduate students.

Alternate PIN

To register online for a given semester, you will need an additional pin number.  To get your Alternate PIN number, take your proposed schedule to your advisor for 他或她的认可.  After approving your schedule, your advisor can issue your Alternate PIN.  This Alternate PIN is valid for registering for only one particular semester, and you will have to get a different Alternate PIN for each semester. If your advisor is not available, check with the department chair or department secretary for that 部门关于备用密码的政策. 如果您选择亲自预先登记,您的 指导老师必须在你的登记表上签字.


The “Registration Errors” box lists those classes you tried unsuccessfully to register for. The Status column explains why you were not able to register for the class.

Coreq Required

你必须注册这门课和它的必修课程. 例如,CHEM 121L是 CHEM 121的必修课程. 你不能同时注册CHEM 121 注册CHEM 121L.

Time Conflict

Two classes you attempted to register for have overlapping meeting times or start/end at the same time. The error message will state which CRN the rejected class conflicts with. The Registrar’s Office will override this error with no further paperwork. It 由你和你的导师安排吗.


You do not have one or more of the prerequisites for a class. 带一份签名的先决条件 向注册主任办公室提交弃权书. Classes you are currently enrolled in fulfill preregistration requirements.

Closed Section



Check that you entered the correct CRN and that you are registering in the correct semester.


You must have completed a certain number of credit hours before you can register for the class. Some courses require that you have upper-class standing (junior or senior); 还有人说,你至少是大二学生. 类限制列在目录中 课程先决条件. 带一份签名的先决条件 override form to the Registrar’s Office.

Level Restriction

With very few exceptions, only graduate or dual-enrolled students can register for 课程编号为500、581、590、591和595. 本科生定向学习 通常编号为491.


Some courses, primarily directed studies, require the permission of the instructor. Bring a signed directed study form to the Registrar’s Office.


Web registration for the course is not permitted; you must register in the Registrar’s 办公室,菲德尔大厦二楼.